Friday, May 22, 2009

Part Two

Yes, I am still in the hospital, and will probably be here till at least Sunday. Oh well.

Last night, a lung and kidney doctor stopped by to see me. They are both running tests. I have no idea what kind of test exactly, and haven't seen them since.

I got infusions of magnesium, calcium, potassium, and a few antibiotics last night for about 8 hours straight.

Dr. Jordan and her staff really spoil me. I always appreciate all of their hard work and responsiveness, but see it even more now that I am dealing with hospital people. When at Dr. Jordan's, they listen and do whatever they can to fix me and make me happy. When you are in the hospital, they just look at you and tell you whatever they can so they can get out the door.

I am pretty sure my colon doesn't like one of the antibiotics. My stomach got upset about 5 minutes after is started running. I told the nurse this, and she proceeded to tell me 3 times that it was the calcium, not the antibiotics. I have been receiving calcium weekly for 5 or 6 weeks...I know how my body responds to it. If the antibiotic is going to go straight through me, it is going to take the potassium, calcium, and mag right down with it. Where does that leave me? Exactly in the same place. Can you tell I'm having a blast in the hospital?

This morning, because of hospital rules, an ambulance drove me to radiation (which is about 10 minutes away). The entire time, I felt guilty for wasting a resource that could be used for a real emergency. The EMT assured me that this was part of their job.

So, as of 4:00 on Friday, I have nothing to report..just things to complain about. I am turning into an old crotchety person way early!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly!
    Glad you are doing the blog. I was gone last week so it is great to catch up. Hang in there! Be as crotchety as you want to be! You are an inspiration to everyone, especially me!!!!!


